Music Store

Music Store – the manhattan project

Here, in the Music Store, you can purchase the music of the manhattan project. You can listen to full-length versions of the songs in the CD Baby music player below.

We urge you to purchase our music through CD Baby, if possible, because they give their artists the highest percentage of any of the major services but, if you prefer, we are available at most major download and streaming services.




“Inspired by David Bowie’s legendary Berlin years, this EP was driven by technology. Each new tool opened possibilities and I had to give it a try. I played, programmed and produced everything. It was lots of fun to do and I hope you enjoy it!

I spent a lot of time exploring emulations of classic old synths, which got me thinking about some of my favorite synth acts of the ’70s and ’80s, like Kraftwerk, Yello, Art of Noise, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Billy Preston and more.

Early drum machine developments were also driven by disco, rap, and R&B. There, I also thought more about Giorgio Moroder, Prince Paul, and Prince.

But I definitely looked at more modern techniques like glitching up beats and manipulating samples. This EP looks to the past, but it’s walking toward the future.” – Christopher Hord, the manhattan project

Other places on the web to find us

CD Baby
Google Play

Stay tuned! We’re in plenty of other places, so look for more links in the future! Thanks!

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