Giveaway! Just join Our Mailing List

Do you like music? Do you like free stuff? Oh, we’re going to get along famously! Because we have a free song for you, for a limited time only.

To get this song, we do ask that you sign our mailing list (it’s on our Contact Us page). We will email you a private SoundCloud link to the song, “Namesake,” which is enabled for download. However, SoundCloud only allows us 100 downloads, so there are a limited number available.

Namesake is a bouncy piece of electronica, where a steady beat meets strange electronic growls. All the while, more ambient horns occasionally echo. It was a fun tune to make. Hope you enjoy it!

AN IMPORTANT NOTE: We use MailChimp as our list service, and the company uses rigorous security procedures. Additionally we will not spam you. We will never sell or give your email address to ANYONE for ANY REASON. We take your privacy seriously, and we intend to take care of it.

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